Shipping Policy

Shipping Costs By Total Order Value ($)

$0-49.99 $50+
$5.9-14.9 FREE

Delivery Time=Processing Time+Shipping Time

Our estimated delivery dates are based on several factors, including the destination address and how quickly we can assemble and prepare your items for shipment.

Shipping fees are calculated based on package weight and destination, we offer free Standard Shipping for orders over US $50.(except clearance products)

For example, if you order a t-shirt, it will need 3-5 business days of processing time and then 12-15 business days of shipping time. Therefore, you can expect to receive it in 15-20 business days.

*Please note that peak seasons and sales events may also affect processing times.  

These are based on the average date. More or less time may be needed for different items. Please don't worry, order as soon as possible, and deliver on time. 

The Estimated Arrival Date Does Not Account For The Following:

1, Weather delays

2, Other shipping/vendor service disruptions

3, APO/FPO orders going through the Military Postal Service Agency (MPSA)

Wrong Address

If you provide an address that is considered insufficient by the shipping carrier, the shipment will be returned to Ctolen.  This may cause a delay in your shipping. Please make sure you provide the correct address.

Shipment Lost In Transit

If the carrier tracking indicates that the shipment was lost in transit, contact Ctolen as soon as possible, or within 30 days. Ctolen will make and ship you a replacement item or refund your money.